Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Cave

3 more weeks and I have to leave my cave... 3 years without a window and yet I'll still miss my mess.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

la dispute

A year before 'Measure for Measure', I had another show, 'La Dispute' in the Weiss... different much?

Arms and the Man, Act 3

Floor slides back in during intermission, bookshelves fly in, furniture is set... not as quick as the transistion from 1 to 2 but something to watch for audience members who stuck around.

End of Act 2

Arms and the Man, Act 2

The floor has slid away to reveal the grass of the Petcoff garden underneath... I have to say it was a sweet transition.

Arms and the Man, Act 1

The color is seriously off in this picture... the bed should be blue.

Raina's Bedroom

Arms and the Man

from back in November... but I didn't have a blog then now did I?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

LD starting to play

one more quicky

Up and ready for tech

a quick shot from the house before tech...

way to busy to write much more...
