Monday, November 20, 2006

Arches are up!

almost there...

So we made it.


The show opened with a finished set. It was down to the wire. The shop really kicked into high gear in the last week and everything came together. I'll post photos if we get a chance to do another photo call.

I don't have any photos yet. In fact, I may not ever get a chance to document the show as seen by audiences. Obviously the photo above is not of the finished set... it is missing molding on the transom, feet on the pillars and other various details... more to come?


LD working

LD playing

Walls going up...

Walls going up...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Where are the walls?

Set going up

This photo was created over the weekend... the set has definitely progressed since then. Tech starts Friday! I don't think that we will be entirely ready, but we will be actor safe.

I often start to dislike my designs towards the end of the process. I don't know why. I wish it wasn't that way. But it's true. For some reason that hasn't happened with this show yet.

There is still time.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Floor coming together

Floor coming together

The floor for SSC's Sleeping Beauty. Kate, the paint charge, is doing a fantastic job. Everything is falling into place fairly quickly. And for that I am thankful, as we go into tech next week. Ack...

The floor should be finished up tonight (?) and then the carpenters will do a mad dash to get the set and other architectural elements in place. So the next couple updates should show a dramatic change.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Is this thing for real?

In a word, no. I post to my flickr account on a regular basis but rarely find myself remembering that this little corner of the web exists. I'll try and do better, maybe.

Now that's encouragement to check back!

But for now, I am in tech for one show (The Raven @ Marin Academy) and final build for another (Sleeping Beauty @ Shakespeare Santa Cruz). After SB there are two secret projects that I don't want to jinx, or overhype...but life designing is busy and hopefully will stay that way.

Mostly I am adding an entry because I had to dig up my blogger passsword in order to cast a vote in another blog...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Cave

3 more weeks and I have to leave my cave... 3 years without a window and yet I'll still miss my mess.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

la dispute

A year before 'Measure for Measure', I had another show, 'La Dispute' in the Weiss... different much?

Arms and the Man, Act 3

Floor slides back in during intermission, bookshelves fly in, furniture is set... not as quick as the transistion from 1 to 2 but something to watch for audience members who stuck around.

End of Act 2

Arms and the Man, Act 2

The floor has slid away to reveal the grass of the Petcoff garden underneath... I have to say it was a sweet transition.

Arms and the Man, Act 1

The color is seriously off in this picture... the bed should be blue.

Raina's Bedroom

Arms and the Man

from back in November... but I didn't have a blog then now did I?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

LD starting to play

one more quicky

Up and ready for tech

a quick shot from the house before tech...

way to busy to write much more...


Friday, January 27, 2006

